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撤销软件著作权登记决定书 国权办[2003]3号










卫生部、交通部 等



第一章 总 则
第一条 为了加强国境口岸和国际航行交通工具的卫生监督工作,改善国境口岸和交通工具的卫生面貌,控制和消灭传染源,切断传播途径,防止传染病由国外传入和由国内传出,保障人民身体健康,根据《中华人民共和国国境卫生检疫条例》第三条的规定,制定本办法.
第二条 本办法适用于对外开放的港口、机场、车站、关口(下称国境口岸)和停留在这些处所的国际航行的船舶、飞机和车辆(下称交通工具).

第二章 国境口岸的卫生要求
第三条 国境口岸应当建立卫生清扫制度,消灭蚊蝇孳生场所,设置污物箱,定期进行清理,保持环境整洁.
第四条 国境口岸的生活垃圾应当日产日清,设置的固定垃圾场,应当定期清除;生活污水不得任意排放,应当做到无害化处理,以防止污染环境和水源.
第五条 对国境口岸的建筑物,有关部门应当采取切实可行的措施,控制病媒昆虫、啮齿动物,使其数量降低到不足为害的程度.
第六条 候船室、候机室、候车室、候检室应当做到地面整洁、墙壁无尘土、窗明几净、通风良好,并备有必要的卫生设施.
第七条 国境口岸的餐厅、食堂、厨房、小卖部应当建立和健 全卫生制度,经常保持整洁,做到墙壁、天花板、桌椅清洁无尘土.应当有防蚊、防蝇、防鼠和冷藏设备,做到室内无蚊、无蝇、无鼠、无蟑螂.
第八条 国境口岸的厕所和浴室应当有专人管理,及时打扫, 保持整洁,做到无蝇、无臭味.
第九条 国境口岸的仓库、货场应当保持清洁、整齐;发现鼠类有反常死亡时,应当及时向卫生检疫机关或地方卫生防疫部门报告.
第十条 做好国境口岸水源保护,在水源周围直径三十米内, 不得修建厕所、渗井等污染水源设施.

第三章 交通工具的卫生要求
第十一条 交通工具上必须备有急救药物、急救设备及消毒、 杀虫、灭鼠药物.必要时,船舶上还需安排临时隔离室.
第十二条 交通工具上的病媒昆虫和啮齿动物的防除:
第十三条 交通工具上的厕所、浴室必须保持整洁,无臭味.
第十四条 交通工具上的粪便、垃圾、污水处理的卫生要求:
第十五条 交通工具的货舱、行李车、邮政车和货车的卫生要求:
第十六条 交通工具上的客舱、宿舱、客车的卫生要求:

第四章 食品、饮用水及从业人员的卫生要求
第十七条 供应国境口岸和交通工具上的食品必须符合《中华人民共和国食品卫生管理条例》(注解:该条例已被一九八二年十一月十九日五届人大常委会通过的《中华人民共和国食品卫生法(试行)》明令废止,现按食品卫生法的有关规定执行.)的规定和食品卫生标准.
第十八条 凡供应国境口岸和交通工具上的饮用水必须符合我国规定的“生活饮用水卫生标准”.供应饮用水的运输工具、储存容器及输水管道等设备都应当经常冲洗干净,保持清洁.
第十九条 供应食品、饮用水的从业人员的卫生要求:

第五章 国境口岸和交通工具的负责人的责任
第二十条 国境口岸和交通工具负责人在卫生工作方面的责任是:

第六章 卫生监督机关的职责
第二十一条 国境口岸卫生检疫机关在当地人民政府的领导下,对国境口岸和交通工具进行卫生监督,其主要职责是:
第二十二条 国境口岸卫生检疫机关设国境口岸卫生监督员一至五名,执行卫生监督任务,由思想品质好,工作认真负责的国境口岸卫生检疫机关领导干部、检疫医师以上的业务人员兼任.国境口岸卫生监督员,经卫生检疫机关推荐,省、自治区、直辖市卫生行政主管部门审核,由中华人民共和国卫生部委任,并发给《国境口岸卫生监督员证件》(式样附后).
第二十三条 国境口岸卫生监督员持其证件,有权对国境口岸和交通工具的负责人,进行卫生监督、检查和技术指导;配合有关部门,对卫生工作情况不良或引起传染病传播的单位或个人,提出改进意见,协同有关部门采取必要措施,进行处理.

第七章 奖励和惩罚
第二十四条 国境口岸卫生检疫机关,对贯彻执行本办法和国家有关卫生法令、条例、规定,做出显著成绩的单位和个人,应当给予表扬和奖励.
第二十五条 国境口岸卫生检疫机关,对违犯本办法和有关卫生法令、条例、规定的单位和个人,应当根据不同情况,给予警告、罚款,直至提请司法机关依法惩处.

第八章 附 则
第二十六条 本办法自发布之日起施行.

中华人民共和国 | 此证根据中华人民共和
国境口岸卫生监督员证 | 国国务院文件
(国徽) | 国发(1981)号
中华人民共和国卫生部制发 | 批示监制
85mm 正面(封面) 第二页
| 相 | 姓名 性别 (注意事项另订) |
| | 年龄 籍贯 |
| 片 | 工作单位 |
|------| 职别 |
| 编号 字第 号 |
| 发证日期 年 月 日 |
内第三页 内第四页
说 明


Important Notice: (注意事项)
英文本源自中华人民共和国务院法制局编译, 中国法制出版社出版的《中华人民共和国涉外法规汇编》(1991年7月版).
当发生歧意时, 应以法律法规颁布单位发布的中文原文为准.
This English document is coming from the "LAWS AND REGULATIONS OF THE
which is compiled by the Brueau of Legislative Affairs of the State
Council of the People's Republic of China, and is published by the China
Legal System Publishing House.
In case of discrepancy, the original version in Chinese shall prevail.

Whole Document (法规全文)
(Approved by the State Council on December 30, 1981 and promul-
gated by the Ministry of Public Health, Ministry of Communications,
General Administration of Civil Aviation of China and the Ministry of
Railways on February 4, 1982)

Chapter I General Provisions
Article 1
These Measures are formulated, as required by Article 3 of the Frontier
Health and Quarantine Regulations of the People's Republic of China [*1],
to strengthen the supervision of sanitation at border ports and aboard
international means of transport, to improve their sanitary conditions and
to block up and extinguish sources of infection, cut off channels of
spreading, prevent infectious diseases from spreading into or out of the
country and protect the health of the people.
Article 2
These measures shall apply to sea ports, airports, railway stations and
passes open to the outside world (hereinafter generally referred to as
"border ports") and to international vessels, aircraft and vehicles
(hereinafter referred to as "means of transport") staying in these places.

Chapter II Sanitation Requirements at Border Ports
Article 3
A cleaning system shall be established in border ports to eliminate the
breeding grounds of flies and mosquitos, install litter bins and their
regular cleaning so as to keep the environment clean and tidy.
Article 4
Domestic refuse in border ports shall be removed every day and fixed
refuse dumps provided for that purpose shall be regularly cleared;
domestic sewage shall not be drained off indiscriminately and shall go
through disinfecting treatment so as to prevent the environment and water
sources from contamination.
Article 5
The departments concerned shall adopt feasible measures to reduce the
numbers of insect vectors and rodents to a harmless level in the buildings
of border ports.
Article 6
All floors of waiting rooms in piers, airports, stations and customs
houses shall be kept neat and clean, their walls dust-free and their
windows and tables bright and clean. They shall be well ventilated and
equipped with necessary sanitation facilities.
Article 7
A perfect sanitation system shall be established in restaurants, cafes,
canteens, dining rooms, kitchens, buffets and small shops in border ports
so as to regularly keep them clean and tidy and make their walls,
ceilings, tables and chairs clean and dustfree. The places shall be
provided with refrigeration equipment and equipment against mosquitos,
flies, mice and cockroaches and no such pests and rodents shall be found
inside these buildings.
Article 8
Attendants shall be put in charge of the toilets and bathrooms in border
ports, cleaning them regularly and keeping them clean and tidy so as to
rid them of flies and nasty odours.
Article 9
The warehouses, godowns and goods yards in border ports shall be kept
clean and tidy. When abnormal death of mice or rats is found, immediate
reports shall be given to health quarantine authorities or local public
health and epidemic prevention departments.
Article 10
The water sources for border ports shall be well protected and toilets,
seepage wells, etc. which will pollute the water sources shall not be
built within a distance of 30 meters in diameter from a water source.

Chapter III Sanitation Requirements for Means of Transport
Article 11
Means of transport shall be equipped with first-aid medicines and
equipment as well as disinfectants, insecticides and rodenticides. If
necessary, provisional quarantine rooms shall be arranged aboard ships.
Article 12
Provisions concerning the prevention and elimination of insect vectors and
rodents from means of transport:
(1) ships, aircraft and trains shall be provided with adequate preventive
measures against rodents so as to eliminate them or to reduce their
numbers to a harmless level;
(2) these means of transport shall be kept free from mosquitos, flies or
other harmful insects, which shall be eliminated upon discovery.
Article 13
The toilets and bathrooms on means of transport shall be kept clean, tidy
and free from unpleasant odours.
Article 14
The sanitation requirements for the disposal of excrement, urine, refuse
and sewage on means of transport are as follows:
(1) daily refuse shall be put in containers with covers, prohibited from
being dumped indiscriminately into port areas, airports or station areas
and must be removed by means of special refuse vehicles (or vessels) to
designated places for treatment. If necessary, excrement, urine and sewage
shall go through sanitary treatment before being disposed of;
(2) the refuse in solid form on board means of transport from epidemic
areas of plague shall be disposed of by incineration, while the excrement,
urine, ballast water and sewage on board means of transport from the
epidemic areas of cholera shall be sterilized if necessary.
Article 15
The sanitation requirements for cargo holds, luggage cars, postal cars and
freight cars of means of transport as well as trucks are as follows:
(1) such insect vectors and harmful animals as mosquitos, flies,
cockroaches and mice and conditions favourable for their breeding shall be
eliminated from cargo holds, luggage cars, postal cars, freight cars and
trucks which shall be thoroughly cleaned before goods are being loaded or
unloaded so as to be free of excrement, urine and refuse;
(2) the freight cars or trucks carrying poisonous substances and food
shall be placed separately in different designated places so as to avoid
contamination and shall be thoroughly cleaned after goods are completely
(3) the luggage and goods from epidemic areas shall be carefully examined
so that no insect vectors and rodents shall subsist therein.
Article 16
The sanitation requirements for passenger cabins, lodging cabins and
passenger cars of means of transport as well as passenger vehicles are as
(1) passenger cabins, lodging cabins, passenger cars and other passenger
vehicles shall be cleaned whenever necessary, kept free of refuse and dust
and well ventilated;
(2) beddings shall be replaced and washed after use each time and be free
of lice, fleas, bedbugs or other insect vectors.

Chapter IV Sanitation Requirements for Food, Drinking Water and Personnel Engaged in These Trades
Article 17
The food supplied to border ports and on means of transport shall conform
to the provisions in the Regulations of People's Republic of China on Food
Hygienic Control [*2] and food hygienic standards.
Article 18
The drinking water supplied to border ports and on means of transport
shall conform to Hygienic Standards of Drinking Water stipulated by the
state. The vehicles used in transporting drinking water as well as storage
containers and water pipelines shall be cleaned regularly and kept clean.
Article 19
The health requirements for personnel engaged in supplying food and
drinking water as follows:
(1) the patients or carriers of infectious intestinal diseases or
sufferers from active tuberculosis or suppurative exudative dermatosis
shall not be engaged in supplying food and drinking water;
(2) all personnel engaged in the supply of food and drinking water shall
go through a medical check-up every year. Those newly engaged in this work
shall first have a medical check-up and those proved up to the standard
shall be granted health certificates;
(3) the personnel engaged in the supply of food and drinking water shall
cultivate good hygienic habits, dress neatly and cleanly at work and
strictly abide by the hygienic operation system.

Chapter V The Duties of Persons in Charge of Border Ports and Means of Transport
Article 20
The duties of the officers in charge of border ports and means of
transport pertaining to sanitation and hygiene are as follows:
(1) to do a good job in keeping up to the sanitation and hygiene
standards, and be always ready for the supervision and inspection by the
sanitary supervision personnel and provide them with facilities for their
(2) to play an exemplary role in abiding by these Measures and other
sanitation decrees, regulations and provisions;
(3) to promptly adopt remedial measures to change the unsanitary
conditions of border ports and the means of transport in accordance with
the advice of the sanitation supervisors;
(4) to report to the border health quarantine authorities or local
epidemic prevention department and immediately adopt epidemic prevention
measures when a quarantine infectious disease or a monitored one is found.

Chapter VI The Responsibilities of Sanitation Supervision Authori- ties
Article 21
The health quarantine authorities in border ports shall exercise
sanitation supervision over border ports and means of transport under the
leadership of local people's governments. Their major responsibilities
(1) to supervise and direct the officers in charge of the departments
concerned in border ports and on means of transport in the prevention and
elimination of insect vectors and rodents;
(2) to examine the food and drinking water on board means of transport
parked in border ports and ready to cross border in both directions and
exercise sanitation supervision over systems of transport, supply and
storage facilities;
(3) to carry out examination, supervision and hygienic treatment of
persons who have died from causes other than accidents in border ports and
on board means of transport;
(4) to supervise the officers in charge of the departments concerned in
border ports and means of transport in the removal and treatment of
excrement, urine, refuse and sewage;
(5) to exercise sanitation supervision over environmental factors which
are of epidemiological significance to quarantine and monitored infectious
(6) to monitor the implementation of the measures to prevent mosquitoes
from breeding in the vicinity of border ports; and
(7) to conduct hygiene publicity and education, spread hygiene knowledge
among people and heighten the consciousness of the personnel in border
ports and on means of transport to abide by and implement these Measures.
Article 22
A border port health quarantine organ shall be provided with 1 to 5 border
port sanitation supervisors to carry out the tasks of sanitation
supervision and such ports shall be concurrently held by the leading
cadres and professional personnel above the rank of quarantine doctor of
the border port health quarantine organ, who are of commendable
personality and great conscientiousness in work. Border port sanitation
supervisors shall be recommended by health quarantine authorities,
screened by the public health administration authorities of the provinces,
municipalities directly under the Central Government and autonomous
regions, and appointed by the Ministry of Public Health of the People's
Republic of China and granted Certificates of Border Port Sanitation
Article 23
On the strength of their certificates, border port sanitation supervisors
shall have the right to exercise sanitation supervision, inspection and
technical guidance over the officers in charge of border ports and means
of transport; they may in conjunction with departments concerned, put
forward proposals for improvement to the units or individuals concerned
whose sanitation work is dissatisfactory and has resulted in the spread of
infectious disease and take necessary measures to deal with them in
conjunction with the departments concerned.

Chapter VII Rewards and Punishments
Article 24
Border port quarantine authorities shall commend and reward units and
individuals that have made remarkable achievements in the implementation
of these Measures and the state decrees, regulations and provisions
relating to public health.
Article 25
Border port health quarantine authorities shall, on the merit of each
case, warn or fine the units and individuals that have contravened these
Measures and the decrees, regulations and provisions relating to public
health and may submit the cases to the judicial organs for punishment
according to law.

Chapter VIII Supplementary Provision
Article 26
These Measures shall go into effect as of the date of promulgation.
[*1] The said Regulations were nullified by Frontier Health and Quarantine
Law of the People's Republic of China adopted by the Standing Committee of
the Sixth National People's Congress on December 2, 1986, the Measures
shall be effective. [*2] The said Regulations were nullified by Food
Hygiene Law of the People's Republic of China (For Trial Implementation)
adopted by the Standing Committee of the Fifth National People's Congress
on November 19, 1982 and the Law shall apply instead - The Editor.




第 37 号

                         自治区主席  马 飚


  第一条 为了规范劳动保障监察工作,维护劳动者的合法权益,根据国务院《劳动保障监察条例》和有关法律、法规的规定,结合本自治区实际,制定本办法。
  第二条 在本自治区行政区域内对企业、个体工商户、民办非企业等用人单位(以下称用人单位)实施劳动保障监察,适用本办法。
  第三条 县级以上人民政府劳动保障行政部门主管本行政区域内的劳动保障监察工作。
  第四条 劳动保障监察工作所需经费,应当列入同级财政预算。
  第五条 劳动保障监察员执行公务时不得少于2人,并佩戴劳动保障监察标志,出示执法证件。
  第六条 对用人单位实施劳动保障监察的管辖,由自治区劳动保障行政部门具体规定。
  第七条 对职业介绍机构、职业技能培训机构和职业技能考核鉴定机构的劳动保障监察,由作出准予其职业介绍、职业技能培训、职业技能考核鉴定行政许可决定的劳动保障行政部门管辖。
  第八条 下级劳动保障行政部门管辖的案件,认为需要由上级劳动保障行政部门调查处理的,可以提请上级劳动保障行政部门调查处理。上级劳动保障行政部门根据工作需要,可以调查处理下级劳动保障行政部门管辖的案件,也可以将其管辖的案件交下级劳动保障行政部门调查处理。
  第九条 劳动保障行政部门应当建立用人单位劳动保障守法诚信档案,将用人单位遵守劳动保障法律、法规和规章的情况记入守法诚信档案,分类监管。用人单位多次或者严重违反劳动保障法律、法规和规章的,由劳动保障行政部门将其违法行为向社会公布。
  第十条 县级以上劳动保障行政部门应当建立健全劳动保障应急机制。
  第十一条 劳动者认为用人单位侵犯其劳动保障合法权益的,有权向劳动保障行政部门投诉。
  第十二条 投诉书应当载明以下内容:
  第十三条 投诉事项有下列情形之一的,劳动保障行政部门不予受理,应当在接到投诉书之日起5个工作日内书面告知投诉人并说明理由:
  第十四条 劳动保障行政部门进行劳动保障监察时,用人单位应当接受监督检查,并履行下列义务:
  第十五条 劳动保障行政部门调查劳动保障违法案件期间有下列情形之一的,经劳动保障行政部门负责人批准,可以中止案件调查:
  第十六条 劳动保障行政部门在调查拖欠工资的投诉时,被投诉的用人单位负有提供工资支付凭证等证据的义务。用人单位拒绝提供或者逾期不能提供证据证明未拖欠工资的,劳动保障行政部门可以根据投诉人提供的相关证据材料认定事实,参照投诉人所在单位相同或者相近岗位劳动者的工资确定工资数额,责令用人单位支付。
  第十七条 用人单位拒不提供与缴纳社会保险费有关的用人情况、工资表、财务报表等资料,致使无法确定社会保险费应缴数额的,由劳动保障行政部门依法处以罚款,并可按照该单位的经营状况、职工人数等有关情况确定应缴数额,责令先行缴纳。用人单位补办申报手续后,由劳动保障行政部门设立的社会保险经办机构按照规定结算。
  第十八条 用人单位在申报应缴纳的社会保险费数额时,瞒报工资总额或者职工人数的,由劳动保障行政部门责令改正,并对瞒报工资数额或者职工人数占应报工资总额或者职工人数30%以下的,处瞒报工资数额1倍的罚款;瞒报工资数额或者职工人数占应报工资总额或者职工人数30%以上50%以下的,处瞒报工资数额2倍的罚款;瞒报工资数额或者职工人数占应报工资总额或者职工人数50%以上的,处瞒报工资数额3倍的罚款。
  第十九条 用人单位骗取社会保险待遇或者社会保险基金支出的,由劳动保障行政部门责令退还,并对骗取金额3000元以下的,处骗取金额1倍的罚款;骗取金额3000元以上1万元以下的,处骗取金额2倍的罚款;骗取金额1万元以上的,处骗取金额3倍的罚款。
  第二十条 国家机关、事业单位、社会团体执行劳动保障法律、法规和规章的情况,由劳动保障行政部门根据其职责,依照本办法实施劳动保障监察。
  第二十一条 本办法自2008年9月1日起施行。1995年3月26日自治区人民政府令第1号颁布的《广西壮族自治区劳动监督检查办法》同时废止。